Research Knowledge and Competencies

Research Knowledge and Competencies - Dudett Kumar RN

The Inter-University PhD in Educational Studies: Doctoral Student Handbook explains that artifacts in this category require a student to "demonstrate research competencies and critical analysis of current research and methodological issues" (Inter-University Doctoral Administrative Committee, 2021, p. 35). For the competency category, I included three artifacts. The first artifact is a critical commentary from the second course in my PhD studies GEDU 9002/ EDUC8023 Methodological Perspectives on Educational Research. The second artifact is taken from my third course GEDU 9003 Doctoral Seminar: Contemporary Educational Theory, and the third artifact is taken from my fifth course, entitled GEDU 9005 Advanced Research Seminar: Focus on Methods. The artifacts in this category demonstrate how I have met the stated requirements.

Artifact 5 - Critical Commentary

(GEDU 9002/EDUC 8023 Methodological Perspectives on Educational Research)

This artifact is a critical commentary, an assignment that required me to find a peer-reviewed article that utilized a research methodology in the study of education. The article I commented on critically is entitled Me and My Family, Ethnic Differences and Familial Influences on Academic Motivations of Black Collegians (Mwangi et al.,2018). I chose this artifact because it demonstrates my ability to conduct a critical commentary for peer-review articles by identifying the research paradigm, determining the research methodology, identifying the methods for data collection, analysis, and the logic for deciding the rigour – credibility and trustworthiness, for interpreting the results of the study. I have developed the confidence to analyze the literature more critically and determine its usefulness for my research study.
This artifact reflects the knowledge, attitudes, and skills developed at this stage of my journey towards my dissertation: Knowledge - A substantive knowledge of a wide range of methodological approaches to research and attendant methods for data collection and analysis; Attitude - Intellectual independence and autonomy to remain engaged and current and be able to evaluate the broader implications of applying educational knowledge to complex leadership situations (capacity to be a professional, educational researcher and leader); Respect for the need to follow a flexible course of action leading to personal self-sufficiency and professional achievements; Skills - Demonstrate full expertise in one or more specific research methods; Use reflective, rational, and critical thinking to gather and interpret information in order form judgments (Inter-University Doctoral Administrative Committee, 2021, p. 45- 46).

Artifact 6 - Critical Review of a Dissertation

(GEDU 9003 (01) Doctoral Seminar: Contemporary Educational Theory)

I reviewed a dissertation entitled Nurse Educators' Transition to Flipped Classroom: An Interpretive Description Study (Bernard, 2015). I chose this dissertation for my artifact because the research methodology- Interpretative Description, is similar to my proposed research dissertation. The author has a nursing background in nursing education like mine, and I was curious to learn how she used the Interpretative Description methodology to complete her dissertation. For the critical review, I identified and discussed the following main points in the dissertation; the author’s autobiographical background, the background of the study, the problem statement, the purpose statement, the research question, the literature review, the theories that framed the study, the methods, and the findings, discussion, limitations, and implications. The knowledge I gained from this experience has broadened my understanding with ideas of how to construct my dissertation.

Artifact 7 - Draft Methodology Chapter

(GEDU 9005/EDUC 8055 Advanced Research Seminar: Focus on Methods)

This artifact is the first draft of my methodology chapter for my dissertation and is entitled Draft Methodology Chapter. I chose to discuss this artifact because it demonstrated how I incorporated the collective knowledge I learned through all the courses thus far and explained how I used that information to write the first draft of my research methodology chapter. This draft methodology included information about my ontological beliefs about reality, epistemology, axiology, proposed research methodology, theory, specific data collection and analysis methods, reflexivity, and reciprocity. My first draft serves as a guide in developing my research study.

These two artifacts reflect the knowledge, attitudes, and skills developed at this stage of my journey toward my dissertation. Knowledge - A substantive knowledge of a wide range of methodological approaches to research and attendant methods for data collection and analysis; Attitude - Respect and appreciation for the scope of the area that they are exploring within the context of the limitations of their own work as well as the discipline of education, including an appreciation for the complexity of knowledge and the potential contributions of other interpretations, methods and disciplines; Respect for the need to follow a flexible course of action leading to personal self-sufficiency and professional achievements and Skills - Demonstrate full expertise in one or more specific research methods; Use reflective, rational, and critical thinking to gather and interpret information in order for judgments (Inter-University Doctoral Administrative Committee, 2021, p. 45- 46).